Mobile app
Download the TAEMio mobile app for iOS or Android and get started right away!
Generally, the cost is €50 per user initially and then €2 per user monthly for access to our real-time dashboard and reports.
Using the pricing tool below, you can calculate an estimate for the monthly costs it would take for your company to use TAEMio the way you would like it to.
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Using Pulses, you can measure and monitor the heartbeat of your business. Read more about how Pulses work
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For your team’s use of TAEMio, the cost is €50 per user initially and then €2 per user monthly for access to our real-time dashboard and reports. Please note, invoicing is conducted annually and post-service.
You can begin with TAEMio immediately by setting up a free account. Purchase slots through your personal login and then assign them to your desired team members. You’ll see results in as little as 20 minutes. Payments for TAEMio are processed via post-service invoices, and full access to TAEMio’s features will be activated once validated by TAEMio BV.
The estimation for your company falls within the custom range at TAEMio. We would like to get in touch to offer a personal proposal for the deployment of TAEMio.
The cost per user is around €40 one-time and a monthly rate of €2 per user for the dashboard and reports. You are also eligible for the onboarding package from TAEMio in which we can fully take care of the implementation for you and possibly advise based on the results and reports.